Will Star Trek: Picard leave some threads dangling at the conclusion?

Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker and Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker in "The Bounty" Episode 306, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker and Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker in "The Bounty" Episode 306, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Picard is one episode away from ending its three-season run.

And the focus of this season has been on the returning Star Trek: The Next Generation cast members and the Changelings overtaking Starfleet (although we now know that the Changelings were working with Admiral Jean-Luc Picard’s fiercest enemy—the Borg). But seasons one and two of the series set up relationships that have yet to be wrapped up. And being that we’re only one episode away from the end, it doesn’t seem like there’s going to be a lot of time to bring these stories to a conclusion.

Raffi’s relationship with her son

We first saw Raffi’s son in the first season of Picard, and it was clear Gabe had no interest in renewing a relationship with his mother. Raffi’s ex-husband Jae turned up this season, and he gave Raffi a hard choice to make between helping her find one of the connections to a terrorist attack on Starfleet or helping her reconnect with their son. Raffi chose her work, and that’s the last we saw of Jae. But it will be a shame if the series ends without Raffi and her son having one more chance to reconnect and get at least a happy-for-now ending.

The relationship between Raffi and Elnor

Raffi formed a mother/son bond with Elnor, the young Romulan who became the first to join Starfleet. In season two, Raffi was killed, devastating Raffi, but he was brought back to life at the end of the season by Q without much fanfare. And Raffi didn’t have a chance to talk to him after his death. We don’t know if he returned to Starfleet and what their relationship is now.

The relationship between Laris and Picard

At the beginning of this season, Laris appeared briefly when she and Picard were planning a trip to her homeworld. Of course all of that changed with Dr. Beverly Crusher’s cryptic message sent over a twenty-plus year old comm badge. Since then, Picard hasn’t spoken of Laris nor has he spoken to her. Riker reached out to Deanna when they were apart, but Picard, who is supposedly in love with Laris, hasn’t tried to reach her, at least not that we’ve been shown, nor has she tried to reach him. Isn’t she worried about his safety? Would she really be okay with not hearing from him? And when the Titan was hurtling toward potential destruction, why didn’t Picard try to record a letter like Riker did? This relationship deserves an ending, even if it isn’t a happily-ever-after.

The relationship between Raffi and Seven of Nine

We do know this relationship ended, but that’s it. We know nothing of why or what happened. There was a brief, uncomfortable moment between Raffi and Seven of Nine aboard the Titan, but are we really not going to know what happened? Did Raffi choose her career over Seven, or did Seven choose hers over Raffi? Letting us know the couple had broken up is all well and good, but we’d like to know if that’s really the end, especially with a potential for a spin-off on the horizon.

Odds are good we won’t see resolutions to these as everything is down to the wire, and Admiral Picard and his former colleagues will be battling the Borg in the final episode. But maybe we’ll get at least one or two before Star Trek: Picard draws to a conclusion.