Star Trek has released some touching photos of Star Trek: Picard’s crew on the Enterprsie-D set.
Star Trek: Picard has wrapped up, but before the series finale aired, Star Trek’s official website released some touching images that featured the elder crewmembers on the set of the newly rebuilt Enterprsie-D. The ship that made The Next Generation what it was. A ship that rivaled that of the original Enterprise.
The crew and the ship have long been tied to not only The Next Generation but the heart of the franchise. Many see the show, the crew, and the ship as the series at its absolute best. Challenging conversations, little-to-no browbeating. A show that challenged you to think beyond your everyday norm.
It had nuance, understanding, and compassion, something many of the Nu Trek shows lack. This is why so many fans went ga-ga over the cast’s return to their iconic characters in Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season.
Now that the show is over, all that remains are the memories. Memories that Star Trek’s official dot-com is helping fans retain both posting these glorious and somewhat melancholic photos for fans to see.
Welcome back to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. ✨ #StarTrek #StarTrekPicard #StarTrekTNG
— Star Trek (@StarTrek) April 15, 2023
Star Trek: Picard succeeded with nostalgia
It was the nostalgia of the third and final season that carried the show across the finish line. Whether you liked or didn’t like the story that was given to you, or whether you thought it should’ve ended differently, the entire reason the third season succeeded as it did was due to the overwhelming amount of nostalgia.
It’s fitting that one of the last things the franchise would do for fans is showcase a final few images of the beloved cast on a ship that so many have such fond memories over.