Star Trek: Strange New Worlds star puts over Jonathan Frakes as a director

Joanthan Frakes as Will Riker in "No Win Scenario" Episode 304, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Joanthan Frakes as Will Riker in "No Win Scenario" Episode 304, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is happy to have Jonathan Frakes on board.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is trying to be the new face of the franchise, and establish itself as the next major legacy show of the franchise. You know the type of show, the one that defines the generation? Much like The Next Generation did in the 80s and 90s, and how Star Trek did for the entire sci-fi genre in the 1960s.

Well, that’s what Strange New Worlds is hoping to become, and to help get them there they’ve tabbed franchise icon, actor turned actor-and-director, Jonathan Frakes with helping them take season two to brand new levels. This isn’t surprising as Frakes has directed at least one episode in just about every live-action Star Trek show since TNG ended.

Now, he’s helping out with Strange New Worlds, and the cast couldn’t be happier. Rebecca Romijn, who plays Una Chin-Riley, recently spoke to and revealed that Frakes is a delight to work with;

"I can only speak to us in our relationship, but I think Anson and I have agreed that our friendship goes back to Starfleet Academy days. I have very vivid memories of Jonathan Frakes, again, being on set, saying, ‘Old friends, old friends,’ and he says that at the beginning of every take and it’s just such a nice way to approach every scene."

It’s no surprise that Jonathan Frakes is being as accepted as he is by the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds cast

Frakes is a well-known figure in Star Trek both in front and behind the camera. So much so that if you were to ask me who the franchise’s most renowned person is, it wouldn’t be Patrick Stewart or William Shatner, it’d be Jonathan Frakes.

Frakes has featured in every Star Trek show from The Next Generation to Enterprise and has directed countless episodes and films, before returning to the role of William Riker for Lower Decks and then Picard. He’s as much Star Trek as anyone and it’s not a surprise at all that people love working with him.

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