Five Spock actors in Star Trek ranked from worst to best

US actor Leonard Nimoy as Mr Spock from the film 'Star Trek - The Motion Picture', 1979. (Photo by Bertil Unger/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
US actor Leonard Nimoy as Mr Spock from the film 'Star Trek - The Motion Picture', 1979. (Photo by Bertil Unger/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
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Anyone else portraying Spock in Star Trek besides Leonard Nimoy can bring heated debates.

Spock is an iconic character that all fans have an opinion about. Some will indoubtedly say no one will measure up to Nimoy’s portrayal, and that’s understandable. He initiated the role. He was the quintensential Spock, so much so that he continued portraying the role up to and including his last film, Star Trek: Beyond. But what about the other characters that have given their best to emulate the character to their best of their abilities? Should they be penalized for not being  Nimoy?

I think they all have a place in the role, although, inevitably some will outshine the others, but ranking live-action characters from worst to best is a lot like choosing your favorite candy bar. Most everyone is going to have a different favorite. And some weren’t really given the chance to do much with the character as they were basically fill-ins for a young Spock growing older. Still, they’re considered a Spock actor as they did put their all into a character even if they didn’t get much screen time.

However, for the sake of this post, I didn’t include in these rankings actors who portrayed Spock advancing through his years in Star Trek: III Search for Spock as their screen time was severely limited. Those actors are Carl Steven (Spock age 9), Vadia Potenza (Spock age 13), Stephen Manley (Spock age 17), and Joe W. Davis (Spock age 25). Frank Welker provided Spock’s screams in Search for Spock.