Alex Kurtzman credits fans for saving Star Trek: Prodigy

STAR TREK: PRODIGY: Ep#108 -- Kate Mulgrew as Janeway, and Angus Imrie as Zero in STAR TREK: PRODIGY streaming on Paramount+ Photo: Nickelodeon/Paramount+ ©2021 VIACOM INTERNATIONAL. All Rights Reserved.
STAR TREK: PRODIGY: Ep#108 -- Kate Mulgrew as Janeway, and Angus Imrie as Zero in STAR TREK: PRODIGY streaming on Paramount+ Photo: Nickelodeon/Paramount+ ©2021 VIACOM INTERNATIONAL. All Rights Reserved. /

Alex Kurtzman is giving credit where its due when it comes to Star Trek: Prodigy. 

At the New York Comic Con, Alex Kurtzman gave updates about what to expect from Star Trek in the near future, this included news on Starfleet Academy and the Section 31 movie. [via Trekmovie] Before he shared that news, though, he addressed what he called “the elephant in the room” and announced that Prodigy was back, saying it was back because fans brought it back.

"“Before we get started I want to just clear the elephant in the room. Star Trek: Prodigy is back! And Star Trek: Prodigy is back because you guys brought it back. What you did has not been since since TOS. Star Trek belongs to two entities: Gene Roddenberry and the fans. That’s it. And it is because of you, because of your almost 35,000 signatures on that petition, a plane over Netflix, and they heard you.”"

Alex Kurtzman’s acknowledgment of the fans for saving Star Trek: Prodigy is praise well-deserved.

When Prodigy was canceled in April of this year, the fans came together and started a campaign that was more than just a petition. Whether it was making #savestartrekprodigy trend on Twitter, creating speciality graphics people could share on social media, or undertaking a campaign that involved a “Save Star Trek: Prodigy” banner flying over the offices of Netflix and other streaming channels, there was no stopping fans determined to save this series.

They invested time and money in the resurrection of this show, and having it all come to fruition brought a huge sigh of relief to all those who participated. Kurtzman did the fans a solid by not only acknowledging their contribution but by adding a thank you from himself, the creators of Prodigy, and the entire cast and crew.

"“So from the bottom of my heart, because we love Star Trek: Prodigy so much, and Dan and Kevin Hageman, and Kate [Mulgrew] and the entire cast and crew, I just want to be able to thank you. Thank you so much for what you did, it was incredible, truly.”"

We don’t know if Prodigy would have been saved without fan intervention, but we do know that it felt good to have a part in bringing this series to another channel, one where, hopefully, it can continue for many seasons to come.

Next. Star Trek: Prodigy could become a film series. dark