The Howling
If you’re a fan of werewolf movies, especially ones with some great effects, The Howling is for you. The story features a journalist who is being stalked by a serial killer who just so happens to be everyone’s favorite holographic doctor from the U.S.S. Voyager. That’s right before he was learning how to love physical beings, all while exploring his passion for photography, Robert Picardo was a psycho werewolf serial killer.
And a pretty good one at that. Picardo is arguably the main villain of the film, though he’s not the only threat the protagonists have to worry about. That said, Picard’s turn as Eddie Quist was certainly the strongest of all of the performances.
And there are a lot of good performances in this film. Fair warning, however, while you’ll come for Picard’s villainous turn, be warned this film is graphic for its era. It’s often cited right beside An American Werewolf in London for having the most vile (in a good way) special effects. The transformation of the werewolves in both films is next level and The Howling will make you queasy.
That said, it’s still worth the watch if you’re interested in something a bit heavier.