Please Stand By released in 2017, but it didn’t get as much attention as it should have, especially from the Star Trek community.
The movie stars Dakota Fanning, Alice Eve (aka Carol Marcus from Star Trek Into Darkness), and Toni Collette. In Please Stand By, Fanning portrays an autistic girl who lives in a community group home. She spends much of her time writing a script for a Star Trek script challenge that could award the winner $100,000.
When Fanning’s character, Wendy, has no way to get her script in the mail in time to make Paramount’s deadline, she sets off on a trip to Los Angeles by herself, determined to deliver her work. And what follows is a heartwarming tale of indescribable perseverance and dedication that is chock full of Trek references and details that highlight just why Star Trek: The Original Series means so much to Wendy.
There’s a deep connection to Star Trek in Please Stand By that makes sense.
With clips from The Original Series and Wendy’s absolute determination to deliver her 500-page script, the movie is a perfect example of why Star Trek resonates with fans. When Wendy struggles with her emotions, she connects with Spock who kept his emotions under control. When she thinks about giving up on her journey because the road ahead is just too hard, she reads a line of her script that enables her to push onward.
One of the best scenes in the movies is when a scared, runaway Wendy is found by a cop who just happens to speak Klingon. His connection to the Star Trek universe convinces her to trust him, and it’s a rare, beautiful moment.
Please Stand By, which is available for streaming on Hulu, will appeal to all Star Trek fans because it highlights what makes The Original Series and Star Trek altogether so special. It’s difficult to deny the impact of the universe when it helps a 21-year-old find her place in life and her sister’s as well.