3 reasons a Star Trek anthology show would end up failing

Star Trek works because it's Star Trek.
German Film Comic Con In Dortmund
German Film Comic Con In Dortmund | Tristar Media/GettyImages
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You Can't Please Everyone

We've seen this idea be brought up before, but most recently the concept of a Star Trek anthology series was conceived as a way to give every Star Trek fan something they'd like. Like the notion that you could create something that everyone would like. A concept that just does not exist.

You cannot please everyone. Even by the very nature of an anthology series, you will create a concept that many in the core fandom will reject. A major reason fans love Star Trek is due to the ability to follow along with characters you meet at the start. You can see how they grow, and evolve, how their relationships change and develop. It becomes part of the enjoyment of the viewing experience to see how people develop from the first to the last episode.

Even shows with shorter seasons like Star Trek: Strange New Worlds can pull off that concept. We've seen incredible growth from characters in just two seasons and hopefully, we'll continue to see such things as the show goes on. Eliminating the continued storyline progression will hinder the fandom's desire to attach themselves to the show. Fans love following along with regular characters and taking that away will just hinder the audience.