A possible framework for Second Contact protocols
A future Starfleet canon to address the formal details of SC protocol would most likely concern the continuing peaceful relationship and knowledge exchange between the UFP and the new FC planet. The objective of a successful SC could be conducted within a framework of Starfleet Charter rules, guidelines, and statutes – potentially segmented into the following areas of federation principles of SC:
- Communications & Starfleet Protocol
- Species & Culture Awareness
- Interplanetary Relations & Diplomacy
- Science & Technology
- Agreements & Treaties
Each federation principle could be instructed by an assigned active-duty Starfleet admiral who would be a subject matter expert and provide training as a liaison in their appointed principle of expertise. It would be impossible for the federation to engage in SC protocols with the entire population of the SC planet. As such, a subset of the planet’s leaders would be chosen in a variety of fields in science, Aeronautics, philosophy, education, math, astrophysics, engineering, architecture, spirituality/religion, psychology, biology, zoology, geology, botany, and more.
Additional leaders could be chosen depending on the needs and requirements of the SC planet. The SC process should be executed in a deliberate yet measured approach with specialized summits under the guidance of a federation liaison, who is highly skilled in interpersonal communication.