There are plans to expand the story with an audio prequel
If you need more of Khan Noonien Singh's story, you're going to get it. According to Nicholas Meyer, casting is already underway, and recording could begin in early 2025. As long as everything stays on task. The audio prequel will follow Khan and the rest of his people after they've arrived on Ceti Alpha V. It's unsure how far into their arrival the audio drama may pick up, but it could be as early as the initial arrival or after the explosion of Ceti Alpa VI.
Regardless of where it starts in the story, the prequel will look at Khan's survival and leadership of his people through the events leading up to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It's being worked on by Meyer to further expand upon some plot details he left out of the film, but this wasn't the original idea.
He had originally wanted to do a mini-series of sorts, where he could really lay into the creativity of the concept. For whatever reason, Paramount didn't want to do a full mini-series and instead passed on it. A bad move, seeing as how The Wrath of Khan and the titular character remain some of the best beloved and profitable stories and characters that the franchise has had.
Still, the audio drama promises to be a very interesting affair and one that should be canon to the main timeline of Star Trek. That is unless something changes.