A sneak peek of a scene from "Menage a Trois" earned the ire of Star Trek fans

Aaron Rapoport/GettyImages

Star Trek: The Next Generation started getting better after its rough start in season one. Most shows do have some bumpy starts, but The Next Generation had to overcome some fairly ill-conceived scripts and the fact that fans of Star Trek: The Original Series weren't happy about a "new" Star Trek. In fact, many declared that wouldn't watch it since the show didn't include Captain Kirk [William Shatner] or any of the original cast from TOS. But The Next Generation persevered, and by its third season, scripts had improved in quality, and the series had found its fan base. And that fan base was vocal when it saw something they didn't like.

In the third season episode of The Next Generation, "Menage a Trois," Riker [Jonathan Frakes], Troi [Marina Sirtis], and her mother are kidnapped by the Ferengi. Lwaxanna [Majel Barrett Roddenberry] is wanted for her telepathic powers, and what follows is a comedy that includes Captain Picard [Patrick Stewart] having to declare his love for Lwaxanna to convince DalMon Tog [France Corsentinp] that he simply can't let her go. It's a funny episode, but before it aired, as is always the case, fans were given a sneak peek of the episode. And one scene didn't amuse them at all.

According to Captains' Logs The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman, when Troi and Lwaxanna disrobed due to Ferengi custom, the fans were upset. Although it was meant to be a nude scene, neither Sirtis nor Roddenberry were actually nude. Both women were wearing body stockings, but, as Sirtis said, "The Paramount publicity machine goes into action and they try and find something different to draw the public's attention to that particular episode." It worked, just not the way Paramount intended.

Scenes taken out of context or clips from upcoming episodes can easily bring about fan displeasure, but that's what the publicity is all about. The more people talk about the episode/movie scene, the more people will tune in to see exactly what will happen. In this case, it wasn't at all like the viewers expected and was, ultimately, a rather tame scene.