All 14 Star Trek movies ranked in order of their Rotten Tomatoes scores

A Rotten Tomato countdown of every Star Trek movie to date
On the set of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
On the set of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier | Sunset Boulevard/GettyImages
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When reviewing movies, the website Rotten Tomatoes is certainly one of the most recognizable and acclaimed. Since 1998, Rotten Tomatoes has been using a rating system of aggregating positive reviews from its roster of film and television critics, where its famous Tomatometer designates a film's tomato status.

A film can be designated as "Rotten" with less than 60% of reviews being positive, "Fresh" with at least 60% of reviews being positive, or "Certified Fresh" with 75% or higher scores from at least 5 of their top critics. Let's see which Star Trek films are "Fresh" and which ones are not.

#14 – Star Trek: Section 31 (2025) “Rotten” – 19% Tomatometer

With a “Rotten” Tomatometer score of 19%, the Michelle Yeoh-led Paramount+ streaming film centers around a secret mission orchestrated by a team of agents who work for a black ops organization called Section 31. Section 31 is a clandestine organization within the Federation that carries out secret missions to save the galaxy, by engaging in tactics outside the rules and boundaries of Starfleet.

#13 - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) “Rotten” – 23%Tomatometer

Scored “Rotten” at 23% Tomatometer, we find our intrepid TOS crew warping to the center of the galaxy in search of Sha Ka Ree (the place where God dwells). Denying the Vulcan concepts of logic over emotion, in search of spiritual enlightenment - Spock's half-brother Sybok manipulates a diplomatic situation to hijack the Enterprise in a desperate attempt to reach Sha Ka Ree to meet God.

#12 - Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) “Rotten” – 38% Tomatometer

Coming in “Rotten” with a Tomatometer score of 38%, the TNG crew led by Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard) is on a Starfleet mission to the neutral zone when they encounter a new Romulan threat, who is harboring a secret with dark and dangerous implications for the Federation and specifically for Captain Picard.

#11- Star Trek Generations (1994) “Rotten” – 47% Tomatometer

Scoring “Rotten” at 47% on the Tomatometer, the first film for the crew of TNG and their Galaxy-class Enterprise D are brought into the Starfleet cinematic universe with a hand-off, so to speak, with an altered space-time Captain Picard/Captain Kirk team up. Team Picard-Kirk works together to stop a Nexus energy ribbon from destroying a star that would result in the devastation of an inhabited planet Viridian III.

#10 - Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) “Rotten” – 52% Tomatometer

The first movie in Star Trek canon with the crew of TOS comes in as "Rotten" with a 52% Tomatometer score. Taking place in the 23rd Century, Captain Kirk and his iconic crew (Spock, Uhura, McCoy, Chekov, Sulu, and Scotty) warp through the Delta Quadrant in their Constitution-class USS Enterprise as they encounter a 300+ year old sentient machine entity, known as V’Ger.