Ever wonder how to really make Spock's Plomeek soup? I mean, in case you ever invite a Vulcan over to your house, or maybe you just want to try it yourself to see what all the fuss is about. Since some of the ingredients can't be found here on Earth, Gastrono Geek 37 recipes inspired by Cult TV Series has made a few substitutions that will probably stand up against the real stuff. And that's not all!
This cookbook stretches the boundaries across several sci-fi, fantasy, superhero, pop culture, and monsters' series to bring you recipes that can't be found anywhere else. Like Algae Ration with soba, miso, and lotus root, a hearty meal popular on Battlestar Galactica. And remember how much Rya'c loved Satta Cake on Stargate SG-1? Well, now you can make it for your little ones.

Gastrono Geek is a unique collection of out of this world recipes from lands far away and those you'd just love to visit. It takes you on a journey through space, through the dark world of vampires, and into Snow White's fantasies. You'll be Charmed by food from Piper Halliwell's kitchen and find a Lenfinnan Haggis fit for any Highlander. You can even head on back to Smallville for some Kansas-Style Creamed Corn then Flash on over to Central City for a Jitters' Special.
This is a delightful cookbook that is not only display worthy but useful if you're the creative type who likes to try new and challenging recipes. Every recipe is presented on its own page with heavy-duty paper and high-quality images of the delicacies you'll be making.
Written by chef and pop-culture expertThibaud Villanovahas who has published more than sixteen cookbooks about everything from major films to manga, Gastrono Geek, from Titan Books, is now available for pre-order in hardcover at various retailers for $29.98 and will be available on October 29th.