3 reasons why Star Trek fans accept Sybok over Michael Burnham

Sybock doesn't carry the same negative backlash that Michael Burnham and we're going to dive into why.
Warner Bros. Premiere Of "V For Vendetta" - After Party
Warner Bros. Premiere Of "V For Vendetta" - After Party | Evan Agostini/GettyImages
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Star Trek: Discovery really had themselves a chance to make a new show that continued the legacy of the franchise, enthralling us with new and vibrant stories. Instead, it was yet another prequel that no one asked for. It may have had a shot, but the show did everything it could to turn off established fans. Unfortunately, due to poor management, genuine talents like series star Sonequa Martin-Green bore the brunt of the backlash.

She was, after all, the starring character of the franchise; Michael Burnham. Despite an awful character name, there was hope. After all, Martin-Green was in demand coming off of her role on The Walking Dead. They got a true talent to star in their new Trek series. Why not? Yet, the character was poorly written and given way too many myths and canon-breaking attachments that rubbed fans the wrong way.

A mysterious and never before mentioned sister of Spock? It felt like the series was doing anything it could to stand on the back of a better series. A major swing and a miss with a franchise as iconic and successful as Star Trek. Shoehorning in a new sister for Spock, a human one no less, felt like someone was self-inserting themself into the story. More akin to bad fan fiction than an actual piece of Star Trek lore.

fans hated it, they rejected it and it remains one of the worst additions to the franchise ever. But why? Our own Rachel Carrington pointed out that this isn't the first time that Spock had the old "long lost sibling" revelation. That one went over a lot better, by comparison, but why? Surely Martin-Green's race and gender brought on some bad-faith faith actors, who were looking to tear down the character simply because of who the actress is.

That's a detestable thing, but it does happen. So while there were some who were just mad that a black woman was taking centerstage, there are many fair complaints about the characters' ties to Spock that we feel exist, which help explain why Sybock isn't as hated as Micahel Burnham.