All upcoming Star Trek movies ranked by anticipation

As we wait to hear any kind of updates or announcements regarding these potentially upcoming Star Trek titles, let's talk about them and the hype for their arrival.
Chris Pine plays Kirk in Star Trek Beyond from Paramount Pictures, Skydance, Bad Robot, Sneaky Shark and Perfect Storm Entertainment
Chris Pine plays Kirk in Star Trek Beyond from Paramount Pictures, Skydance, Bad Robot, Sneaky Shark and Perfect Storm Entertainment
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"Such Sweet Sorrow" -- Ep#213 -- Pictured: Michelle Yeoh as Georgiou of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: John Medland/CBS ©2018 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

2. Star Trek: Section 31

Announced back in April 2023, Paramount+ confirmed in November that this project is still very much alive. This wouldn't be your run-of-the-mill, phaser-blasting, boldly-going kind of story. Section 31 dives deep into the shadowy, secretive world of Section 31, the Federation's most hush-hush intelligence agency. It's like the Star Trek version of that super-secret club you weren't cool enough to know about in high school, but way cooler and with spaceships.

Now, who would be leading this new escapade? None other than the fabulous Michelle Yeoh, reprising her role from Star Trek: Discovery. Yeoh's character, the fierce and formidable Emperor Philippa Georgiou, is set to take center stage in this storyline. What's not to love – a character who can kick serious ass across multiple universes, now unraveling cosmic conspiracies and dark Federation secrets.

Star Trek: Section 31 promises to peel back layers of the Star Trek universe we've never seen before, and honestly, I can't wait to see what's hiding in those uncharted territories of space espionage. Hopefully, we'll get more details and updates on this gem soon - this is the kind of Star Trek story fans would love to see.