Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. That was on oft-used phrase whenever Captain Picard [Patrick Stewart] entered his ready room aboard the Enterprise. Earl Grey tea was his favorite beverage, and he drank it from a unique tea cup which wasn't created by The Next Generation art department. Instead, the team used a modern twentieth-century design which was made by a European homewares company, Bodum.

Made with a black plastic band and and matching handle, the elegant cup is made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass, which was the perfect accent to Captain Picard's latest connundrum or reflection. {You can also see the cups in Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Picard). The cups, known as "The Picard Cup" used to be available for purchase by the general public. Unfortunately, they were discontinued in 2016. But now they're making a comeback for a limited run.

The four-set of cups, each of which are printed with the Star Trek, Master Replicas, and Bodum logos, is now available for pre-order from masterreplicas.com for $54.99. The sets will begin shipping in February 2025. There's no indication how long these cups will be available so if you like the idea of drinking your tea out of a Picard cup, you should order sooner rather than later.

Just imagine pondering your next mission while enjoying your tea (they could probably be used for coffee, too) from a cup that looks just like the ones Captain Picard used. Put on your Starfleet uniform and take an Insta-worthy snapshot, or take one along with you for the next convention when you try to get a photograph with Patrick Stewart! The cups will also be available from the official Bodum website, but they are not currently listed for pre-order.