Everything we know so far about Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Here's what we know about Star Trek: Starfleet Academy so far.
"Love Is Love Is Love" Premiere
"Love Is Love Is Love" Premiere | Amy Graves/GettyImages

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is going to be a major offering for the franchise sometime in 2025; assuming all goes well. The series will only be the other show airing at the time, as only Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is currently set for a 2025 debut for season three. With Star Trek and Paramount+ pulling back on televised properties in favor of film ones, the emphasis has to be to make the show a hit.

So it's no surprise that news about it is slow, they have to get this right, but while things are trickling in, we have discovered some tidbits.

Who is the star of the show?

The arrival of Holly Hunter to the Star Trek franchise is a major one and it shouldn't be overlooked. The Academy Award winner is going to bring a level of respectability to the franchise role, truly never seen before. An all-time great, Hunter will be the show's lead as her character seeks to help teach the next generation of Starfleet's best and brightest.

When (and where) will it begin production?

The show is set to begin filming episodes sometime this summer, with the franchise once again returning to Toronto, Canada.

When is it set?

The show will be set sometime in the 32nd century, sometime after the events of Star Trek: Discovery.

Will it feature any Star Trek: Discovery characters?

Sylvia Tilly, played by Mary Wiseman, is someone who has been rumored to be part of the show, with her further alluding to being part of the so far unnamed cast. Another character, Saru, played by Doug Jones has not been announced as part of the cast but has said that he'd like to continue his role with the new series.

Will the show be impacted by the Paramount financial issues?

While every show and film will be impacted to some degree, Star Trek is no different, they aren't skimping on production values by any means. The show is said to have the "largest contiguous set ever constructed for a 'Star Trek' series", according to Variety. The new set is going to include an "academic atrium", that's two stories in height, while also including your conventional classrooms, a cafeteria (mess hall), an amphitheater, and some very green walkways.