Star Trek is one thing above all else, a morality play in space. It excels when you give it a complex idea to dissect and play around with. The Maquis are terrorists on the fun from the Federation, but their only crimes are against Cardassian occupiers who have done unspeakable things to the Bajorans for decades. Is the wrong thing right when it's for good purposes?
Ben Sisko turned the other way when Garek blew up a Romulan ambassador, but he did so knowing that the Romulans would side with the Federation against the Dominion. Is Sisko's hand in the murder of an innocent man something justifiable knowing that billions of lives may be spared?
These are things that make Star Trek what it is. It very much has a genre and anytime it deviates from that genre, you lose what Star Trek truly is. So it's not surprising at all to hear Akiva Goldsman continue to miss the point about Star Trek. Goldsman told Variety that current franchise barrer, Strange New Worlds is genreless, and man, is that just not true. Goldsman goes on to say;
" “At this point, is there a genre that ‘Strange New Worlds’ can’t do? “As long as we’re in storytelling that is cogent and sure handed, I’m not sure there is. Could it do Muppets? Sure. Could it do black and white, silent, slapstick? Maybe!'”"t
Just tell us you don't know what Star Trek is because the idea of adding the Muppets to the show is a step too far. And I freaking love the Muppets. That doesn't mean I want Kermit the Frog waxing philosophically with Christoper Mount about the needs of the many against the needs of the few.
I know there are fans of Strange New World's fantasy and musical episodes from the prior two seasons, but there are plenty of people who didn't like that concept. Just chalking something up to "Space, LOL" isn't a great argument for disrupting the flow of the show.
It was one thing when a show had 25 episodes in a season, you could then have Q send the bridge crew into a Robin Hood storyline, or have an entire episode built around the Bride of Chaotica. We have 10 episodes now. That's it. There's no longer time to give to outlandish filler episodes like Star Trek has started doing.
It's not what fans want from the show, so save that stuff for something like Lower Decks, it fits the vibe of that show better regardless.