In a matter of weeks, Star Trek: Discovery will begin its final sendoff. The series is ending this spring after five seasons. It was the first show of the Nu Trek Era, establishing a benchmark that every show after met or exceeded. The show had its controversies, fans never truly embraced it, and the concept of the show was so disliked that they had to change things up a few times with a couple of soft-reboots to try and bring fans in.
Despite its flaws, it did give us a few things, the Strange New Worlds spinoff and the impressive performances of Sonequa Martin-Green and the cast. The show never lacked talent, just better writing. Still, the show is coming to an end and there are those in the fandom sad to see the Discovery take its last ride. one of those people is Martin-Green herself, who spoke to Entertainment Weekly at the SCAD TVfest and revealed that despite the sadness of the show's ending, she's at peace with things, saying;
"My reaction when I heard Star Trek: Discovery was, it was a kaleidoscope of emotions"There was definitely the bittersweetness, but then there was this really powerful sense of peace as well because of what we did, what we created, and what we were all able to be a part of."
While the show will likely be seen as one of the weaker offerings in Star Trek's catalogs, that doesn't mean the show didn't provide something to some of the fandom. There were a lot of people who felt that this show spoke to them in a way no other show did. That's wonderful.
It doesn't change it's place in Star Trek's historical canon, however, but it's good that some joy can be found in a show that was otherwise so divisive.