"Brain and brain, what is brain!?" Truer words were never spoken while watching the awfully written Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Spock's Brain". In the episode, a group of people end up taking Spock's brain so it can power a computer system that will in essence keep them alive. They're not smart enough to know what a brain is, but the people are smart enough to work a machine that will temporarily give them the intelligence needed to remove a brain and install it.
Does it make sense? Not even a little. It's great in the sense that it's terrible and it offers up a lot of reasons to laugh, none of which is intentional, however. Yet WhatCulture believes that the episode is one of the 10 best Star Trek episodes of all time with an "awesome ending", and to that, we respond with; "Brain and brain, what is brain!?"
At the end of the episode, the crew figures out that they can use the same device to make Leonard "Bones" McCoy smart enough to put Spock's brain back but the temporary upgrade fails mid-surgery, forcing Spock to walk McCoy through the procedure. It's an ending as stupid as the entire episode and further highlights just how pointless this whole thing was.
And further still yet, someone thinks the ending to this episode is awesome. While the original series had far more camp to it than future versions, this was far too campy. And it didn't make any sense. Spock essentially performs surgery on his own brain, and we just all accept that? No, as a car crash, this episode is great; and fun for all ages.
As an actual episode of Star Trek, it's the absolute worst. Worse than Voyager's "Threshold", because at least they tried to make that a serious episode of the consequences of pushing past the dangerous boundaries of life. This? This is just someone's random ramblings that were good enough to be made into a script. It's awful in every way possible.
Spock's Brain is the worst. Just the worst.