Star Trek: Discovery's final season is described as a "difficult story to tell"

Sonequa Martin-Green talks the difficulties of filming the final season of Star Trek: Discovery.
Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Marni Grossman/Paramount+ © 2021 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Marni Grossman/Paramount+ © 2021 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Discovery is bringing its story to a close after a very up and down run on Paramount+. Launching as one of the first big-name shows on CBS All-Access, there was a lot of hype around the return of Star Trek to the world of episodic shows, be it on television or on streaming. It didn't find the audience that many had hoped for but it did survive for five seasons and lasted nearly seven years.

Despite its up-and-down status, and its ability to at times split the fandom, the show remains a favorite among its core audience and those who helped bring the show to life think very highly of it. So much in fact that the thought of it coming to a close was a lot for them to bear.

Especially for series lead Sonequa Martin-Green, who played the main character Micheal Burnham. As the main lead, she had an enormous amount of pressure on her shoulders and she mostly delivered despite, at times, lacking a script.

Still, the close of the show came hard and fast, canceled after production had originally wrapped, but the folks at Paramount+ gave everyone a chance to really conclude the adventure in a meaningful way.

So it's no surprise that Martin-Green was a bit emotional about the close of the show, telling the latest issue of Star Trek: Explorer Magazine (via TrekMovie)

" “How can I describe that last day? It was momentous. We wrapped in November of 2022, and went back in April of 2023 to do additional shooting. When we were up there (in Toronto) doing this, it was a mad dash because we had a limited amount of time. We were gunning it, and it was great because we went big and then we went home. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I don’t know how else to say it, but we just pounded the pavement. We went for it. We gave our all in those last days of shooting, in those last hours. We had given everything that we had. We were so exhausted that we were delirious and disoriented, but also giddy and sad – all of us at the same time – and so we cried together. There was a lot of crying together. We spoke blessings over each other, we read letters and poems, and we hugged. It’s crazy because you assume that you will see some of the people again.”"

While the fandom as a whole may not lament the loss of Discovery, it's worth noting that there are fans who loved the show, and the cast and crew really went above and beyond to give the fandom a show they could like. It didn't cater to everybody, a point that may have held it back, but whether people liked it or not, it can't be for the lack of effort. This show was chalked full of a lot of people's best works.

It may not be for you, and that's ok, but it can't be said that they didn't try.