Star Trek has 3 films in pre-production it seems

Star Trek apparently has yet another film they're making.
"Star Trek: Discovery" | SXSW Featured Session | The Trailblazing Journey To The Fifth And Final
"Star Trek: Discovery" | SXSW Featured Session | The Trailblazing Journey To The Fifth And Final | Daniel Boczarski/GettyImages

The era of Star Trek shows seems to be coming to an end. With episodic content on streaming services like Paramount+ becoming more and more expensive to make, the focus is now shifting to the film side of things. Star Trek is a film that has already finished filming and now just needs to be edited. That film is of course Star Trek: Section 31, which will debut on Paramount+ whenever it's finished.

Then we have the two films in active development, and so we're not confusing you, these are the first two films we're alluding to in the headline. There's Star Trek 4, which will continue the Chris Pine era of Trek films, set of course in the Kelvin Timeline. Then we have the Origins films, not their proper name, which will apparently be set in the main timeline, but before or after the show Enterprise.

Those two films are in different stages of pre-production, and apparently, there's a third film also in that stage as well. According to Variety, a third film remains in production that was first announced in 2021;

"" A project with screenwriter Kalinda Vazquez (“Fear the Walking Dead”) first announced in 2021 also remains in development.""

To be very clear, the article is very distinct when it says this is a project in development alongside both of the other two films. That's three films, probably all getting made or released in relatively short time frames.

It's very likely that this third project, and the Origins project, are both intended for Paramount+. There is a focus for Paramount to create cheaper content that isn't going to kill their bottom line like other properties, including Star Trek, have done.

It's not yet hinted at or rumored what this third project is, only that Kalinda Vazquez from Fear the Walking Dead's writing team is the one who came up with the project.