Star Trek: Prodigy aired its first episode in October 2021 and wrapped its two part first season in December 2022. There has been no new Prodigy for almost eighteen months, unless you're in France. So, understandably, fans are getting a little impatient.
After a massive fan campaign, Netflix picked up the freshman animated series after it was cancelled in April 2023 and began airing its entire first season in December 2023. But there's been not even a hint of when season two will debut on the streaming channel since then, and we're almost halfway through the year. The fans are speaking out on social media, and that brought a comment from Kevin and Dan Hageman on Twitter/X, assuring everyone that they are "holding tight like everyone else," and they added "it's worth the wait," according to a report by Trekmovie.
The growing anticipation for season two is a good thing for the series, and a teaser trailer that introduced the young cadets-in-training to the EMH from Star Trek: Voyager (Robert Picardo) only amped up the desire to see what Prodigy has in store.
But that desire isn't going to be fulfilled in June, either, as What's On Netflix recently recently provided a list of everything viewers can expect to air on the streamer in June. Prodigy was nowhere on the list. That only leaves five more months in the year for the series to make its debut. And though fans aren't excited about continuing to wait, the reassurance that the end result will be worth it iis certainly helps.
Us Prodigy fans, though not happy about the prolonged delay, will still be there when the second season of the series comes to Netflix. We didn't campaign to save Prodigy only to walk away from it now. We're looking forward to the binge...whenever it's finally made available!