What's the story behind viral Star Trek: The Original Series photo?

A recent photo has gone viral on social media but what is the story behind it?
On the set of the TV series Star Trek
On the set of the TV series Star Trek / Sunset Boulevard/GettyImages

The original Star Trek series, known to many as Star Trek: The Original Series, set the groundwork for a wonderful and exciting universe that we all share today. The franchise did a good job of creating unique and dynamic stories, with lessons to share sprinkled in, promoting a future of prosperity and community.

It was not a sentiment that was always practiced in real life, however. Star Trek has seen itself marred by some serious feuds over the years, none more so talked about than that of William Shatner and George Takei. Playing James T. Kirk and Hikaru Sulu respectively, the two men have been at each other's throats for years.

Despite the animosity, the two men still appear alongside one another, from time to time. Not so much lately but they were doing appearances together not that long ago. They remain two of only three remaining actors left from the original show, making any time they appear in the same zip code newsworthy. The third member of the surviving trio is Walter Koeing. Of course, Star Trek fans would know him best as Pavel Chekov.

The three men don't appear with one another often, with Koeing staying out of the squabbling his costars have gotten into it over the years. Yet, when they did, it was always an exciting time.

This takes us to a recent photo that circulated on X/Twitter, which features all three men on the bridge of a rebuilt Enterprise set. But what's the story behind it?

Well, according to the Star Trek blog, TrekkerScraopbook, this was an event in Birmingham, England at the 2016 Destination: Star Trek Convention. It featured a rebuilt set for the convention and numerous other figures from Star Trek's past were there, including but not limited to Adam Nimoy, the son of the late Leonard Nimoy.

While the caption of the social media post that went viral seems to indicate the three men got together for a photo op after their co-stars passed away, that wasn't the case. Not only was this not taken to celebrate the fact they were the last three standing, but it was taken at a time when Nichelle Nichols was still alive.

It is likely the last time all three men will be together again, so we're thankful that a wonderful site like Trekker Scrapbook is around to share even more amazing photos of this reunion.
