Star Trek Explorer Magazine will soon release its final issue, and many readers look forward to the short fiction stories inside each magazine. But it doesn't look Titan Magazines/CBS has any intention of stopping the publication of good fiction, at least if its most recent publication, "Star Trek Explorer Presents Star Trek—A Year to the Day I Saw Myself Die—and Other Stories," is anything to go by. We've consistently gotten good fiction to choose from with collections like "Star Trek Explorer Presents: Star Trek "Q And False" And Other Stories," which was published in 2022 and "Star Trek Explorer Presents: Star Trek The Mission and Other Stories," which was published in February of this year.
This collection, which I was given a copy to review, includes original short fiction by Walter Koenig, David Mack, Michael Collins, and more. In hardcover, with color pictures, drawn images, and varying monochromed images that enhance each story, the 93-page book takes you through various series, including Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Original Series and more.
I have to admit that my one complaint with this book is the size of the font. It's incredibly tiny, and I found it difficult to read even with 2.75 reading glasses. Even someone with 20/20 might have trouble reading this, unless you're in a really bright room.

Other than that, there are no downsides to buying this book. Overall, the stories are what you would expect to find in a Star Trek Explorer Magazine with talented writers. My personal favorites were Chekov's Challenge by Walter Koenig and Chris MCauley, A Year to the Day I Saw Myself Die by Michael Collins who was also the illustrator, and Sundering by David Mack. These stories really stuck with me, and I know I'll read them again.
If you're looking for the perfect gift for a Trek fan, this hardcover collection goes on sale December 10th, and you'll be able to find it at Amazon, where it's already available for pre-order, Penguin Random House, and Barnes and Noble. That will give you plenty of time to get it wrapped and under the tree. Hopefully, Titan Books/CBS will continue these types of collections now that Star Trek Explorer Magazine is printing its last issue in December.