Star Trek legend Kate Mulgrew is not sold on a Kathryn Janeway series

A Kathryne Janeway series starring Kate Mulgrew is in doubt.
Nov. 2, 2015 – CBS Television Studios announced today it will launch a totally new “Star Trek” television series in January 2017. The brand-new “Star Trek” will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966. The new series will blast off with a special preview broadcast on the CBS Television Network. The premiere episode and all subsequent
Nov. 2, 2015 – CBS Television Studios announced today it will launch a totally new “Star Trek” television series in January 2017. The brand-new “Star Trek” will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966. The new series will blast off with a special preview broadcast on the CBS Television Network. The premiere episode and all subsequent

Ever since Patrick Stewart returned to Star Trek in the late 2010s for his latest and possibly last series with the franchise, Star Trek: Picard, a lot of fans have imagined more stars coming back for similar showcases. We've heard everything from a Star Trek: Sisko series, to a Star Trek: Archer series. We've even heard of a long-running idea, a Captain Worf series, to get new traction once again under the same format that Picard introduced.

Yet, the only series that ever had legs that were pitched by fans was the Star Trek: Janeway concept, featuring Kate Mulgrew once again playing Kathryne Janeway. The fandom support for the concept predates, though barely, Mulgrew's return to Star Trek with the animated series Star Trek: Prodigy.

Since then, people have pushed for Janeway's return to live action. The support for the star's return to live-action only picked up steam when everyone saw how good Prodigy was. While its future as a show remains in doubt, many have taken to the loose continuation of the Voyager story and its crew.

Including, but not limited to, Mulgrew.

Support for a Janeway-led series continues to grow but anyone hoping for that project to actually happen may have had their hopes dashed. Mulgrew has spoken to Alex Kurtzman about the project. Making it an idea that has more than just rumors behind it. Yet, despite being open to it, Mulgrew has admitted that what she's been pitched just doesn't pass the mustard.

Appearing at the Fan Expo San Francisco at the start of December, Mulgrew was asked by a fan about her potential involvement in a Picard-like series, this time featuring Janeway. Mulgrew responded candidly to the audience (via damping the crowd's enthuasim some, saying;

"[Star Trek executive producer Alex] Kurtzman has talked to me about this, of course he has. Janeway is beloved and I don’t know… I can’t answer, frankly. It would have to be so good, and I’m not sure it has all of the elements that I would need to have… I haven’t closed the door, but I think there’s lots of other stuff."

Mulgrew clearly still loves to act, and the idea of her getting another leading role in Star Trek is still possible. While I'm not a fan of Picard or the overall concept, I've spoken a lot over my five years here writing about my enjoyment of Janeway. She's my favorite captain, and seeing another show featuring her is something I'd welcome; if done right.

Honestly, though, the Prodigy series has been everything I wanted from Star Trek and I wonder if another series is even necessary. Keep Prodigy going, as it's proven its worth to the fandom.