Star Trek: Lower Decks proved there is meat on the bone for a Harry Kim story

Harry Kim should finally have his story told either in a direct-to-streaming movie or a mini-series.
14th Annual Official Star Trek Convention
14th Annual Official Star Trek Convention | Albert L. Ortega/GettyImages

Harry Kim draws, man. Star Trek: Lower Decks did a crossover episode of sorts, season five, episode nine's Fissure Quest, which featured variants of numerous characters from across Star Trek coming together to hunt down a suspected multi-verse villain. We saw variants of Garek, Julian Bashir, T'Pol and others. Yet, the star of the episode was none other than Star Trek: Voyager's Harry Kim.

Or at least, a variant of him. Or, variants. With a dozen or so variants of Kim on board Captain Boilmer's ship, the hilarity was in high demand. Each Kim was almost like the Kim we knew from Voyager, all still ensigns, save for one. That one, a Lieutenant, hated how his fellow Kims were treated and opted to go full villain.

It was a hilarious ride and if you were a fan of Voyager, it made the experience all the richer. Especially with Kim's original actor, Garrett Wang being involved again with his iconic role. The return was well received by the online fandom and every critic seemed to praise his performance.

While we don't know how it did with regards to ratings, if fan support for the episode was any idea of how well it did with viewers, then it may be time to start thinking about a Kim solo series of sorts.

While it obviously wouldn't be a comedy, nor would it feature the variants we saw in Fissure Quest, a mini-series of sorts, or a stand-alone, straight-to-streaming series would do well. At least in theory. Fans seemed to love the story of Harry Kim, especially since it largely went unfinished in the events of Voyager.

Doing a mini-series, which could depict the main timeline's Kim, the one from Voyager, hunting down his own variants who have turned bad, could be a lot of fun. Or, we could see a story of how Kim went from an ensign, who was a bit timid and not sure of his skills, into one of the best captains in the federation.

Maybe he could be a character who takes the fight to Section 31, trying to clean up the mess that the clandestine spy group keeps making. Maybe Kim could be the one to fight Star Trek: Enterprise's 'Future Man' (aka Jonathan Archer). There are a lot of possibilities that could see Kim rise to the status he deserves to be seen in.

Let's just hope that Paramount is bold enough to see the possibilities of a five-episode miniseries or a straight-to-digital film.