In 2019, Star Trek: Short Treks aired an episode "Ask Not" which placed a young cadet, Thira Sidhu, in a precarious situation. She's suddenly tasked with standing guard over Captain Christopher Pike [Anson Mount] who supposedly committed mutiny. As a battle rages outside with the Tholians, the two shoot rules and regulations at one another in an attempt to own their positions. In the end, it turns out that the entire situation was a simulation, designed to see if Sidhu would hold her ground. After that, she was transferred to the Enterprise where Captain Pike told her he would "see her around." But, unfortunately, he hasn't, and we haven't seen her, either.
Short Treks established a compelling new character who had wanted to serve aboard the Enterprise but had been rejected. Played by Amrit Kaur, Sidhu was clearly young and uncertain, but she held her own despite facing up to her superior. Now, five years later, Sidhu could be an officer still serving aboard the Enterprise. It would be interesting to see where her strength has taken her now.
In addition, as someone who had no problem giving as good as she got when it came to performing her duty, she would be an excellent addition to Captain Pike's inner circle. She would challenge him as needed and could be a mentor to new cadets coming aboard the ship.
Short Treks created a strong character in only a few minutes, and it's a shame that she has been relegated to such a brief time in history when there are so many other challenges awaiting for her aboard the Enterprise. While Strange New Worlds has some strong women aboard, there's certainly room for one more who could be the bridge between the freshly-minted ensigns and the well-established Starfleet officers comfortable in their seniority.