Star Trek: Strange New Worlds should finally give one character more depth

Dr. Carol Marcus should be featured in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' fourth season.
Photo credit: Jaimie Trueblood (Left to right) Alice Eve is Carol, Simon Pegg is Scotty, Karl Urban is McCoy and Chris Pine is Kirk in STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS from Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions. © 2013 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
Photo credit: Jaimie Trueblood (Left to right) Alice Eve is Carol, Simon Pegg is Scotty, Karl Urban is McCoy and Chris Pine is Kirk in STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS from Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions. © 2013 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds exists as the perfect "do right" show. The series that can "do right" by fixing numerous issues that the franchise has fallen into. With so much of the Nu Trek being, to some degree, disappointments, Strange New Worlds exists as the show that got it right. It's not perfect, we've talked about aspects of the show we'd like to change, but it is the best of the new series by a mile.

And we're not even talking comparatively, Strange New Worlds is among the best shows the franchise has ever created. So in that regard, it exists as the series that is "doing right" by Nu Trek series. It's reassuring us that they can still make good Star Trek series in the modern day.

Yet, its place in the timeline also allows it to "do right" by correcting issues that would come up in the original series and the first crop of films. It can do right by those classic stories by further expanding on characters, other alien races or even filling in plotholes.

They've done this already for the Gorn, and have further hinted at Sybock getting some screen time. We've also got backstories on Khan Noonien Singh, the Kirk brothers and more. However, one character who was quite popular in the films but we've seen very little of outside of just two films is James Kirk's love interest; Carol Marcus.

Marcus was boiled down to the woman Kirk had a son in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the woman he wanted to see more of in Star Trek: Into Darkness. Outside of being an aspect of Kirk, for the most part, we've seen little else about Marcus.

Strange New Worlds has a chance to further explore her as a character with a possible professional association with Dr. M'Benga or Captain Pike. Getting to see more of her character is almost necessary as she has seen little development outside of her minor roles in two films.

Hopefully, we can get a more expanded upon version of the character in season four of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.