Star Trek: The Next Generation's Michael Dorn is "slowly but surely retiring"

Michael Dorn has been a part of Star Trek since Star Trek: The Next Generation began in 1987. His most recent appearance was on the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard. He is the one actor who has appeared the most in Star Trek, but that might be coming to an end as the Dorn, in an interview in Star Trek Explorer Magazine, says "I actually am slowly but surely retiring." [via Trekmovie]

This isn't good news to those fans who are still hoping for a Star Trek: Legacy series and who wanted to see more of Worf and Raffi's [Michelle Hurd] undercover work, but if anyone deserves retirement, it's Dorn, whose first role dates back to the 1960s when he appeared on Days of Our Lives.

Fortunately, while Dorn indicates he's moving toward retirement, he doesn't mean that he's not open to the idea of returning as Worf if all of the chips fell in line. He did specify that "many things have to happen for Worf to come back." And while right now, he is still not fully retired, he did specify that he's "not on the treadmill anymore," which presumably means he's not actively seeking new work. He does, however, want to continuing writing and developing projects.

Dorn won't just return as Worf just to return as he turned down multiple offers to play the character on Star Trek: Discovery. This is a character that he built from just a blueprint and developed into a beloved member of Star Trek. So it's understandable that he would have certain requirements before donning the prosthetics again.

You can read more about Michael Dorn's thoughts on Worf and retirement in Star Trek Explorer #13 which is now available on newstands, comic book stores, and direct from Titan Books.