Was General Trelane a Q? 4 hints from the Squire of Gothos

General Trelane, or the squire of Gothos, was one of the most curious foes Kirk and his crew ever faced during season one. Do Trelane's mannerisms and abilities mark him as a member of the Q Continuum?
Blood lunar eclipse observed from Santiago
Blood lunar eclipse observed from Santiago | Anadolu/GettyImages

The first season of Star Trek featured some unusual episodes as Gene Roddenberry and his crew tried to build the show's universe and introduce a variety of foes for the Enterprise crew to take on. One of the most unusual (and interesting, in this fan's opinion,) was General Trelane from "The Squire of Gothos" (season 1, episode 18). Many fans speculate whether Trelane and his parents were members of the Q Continuum, which could have definitely existed for thousands of years before making contact with humans, but just how likely is it? Here are 4 hints from the episode that point to Trelane exhibiting Q behaviors that we see later on in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

1. Trelane's dramatic behavior

When most viewers think of Q, they probably think of his over-the-top behavior, his dramatics, and how his moods could change from charming to threatening in the blink of an eye. Trelane exhibits these habits as well, as he tries to first charm Kirk and his crew, (especially the women,) but his temper flares the moment they resist. He threatens them, telling them to return to Enterprise and await their deaths, then holds Kirk accountable for his actions in a court of his own making, judge's wig and all!

2. The winking effect

While some of Trelane's powers come directly from his mirror machine, he can also "wink" things and people from one place to another or make them vanish altogether. For instance, Sulu and Kirk vanish from the bridge at the start of the episode, and later, Trelane changes Yeoman Ross' uniform into a fancy dress just as quickly. The Q we know from Star Trek: The Next Generation has this same ability but on a larger scale. Could it be that young Q need the assistance of technology before they mature?

3. Fascination with the ship's captain

Both Trelane and Q share one obsession--their fascination with the captain of the Enterprise. Whether it's Trelane delighting in Kirk's "curiously human" behavior or Q hurling Picard and some of the Enterprise D crewmembers into some wild scenario, these beings always seem to be captivated by starship captains and the lengths to which they'll go to protect their ship and crew.

4. Trelane's childish outlook on the universe

Trelane's outlook on his created environment almost reminds me of a child playing in an imaginary world of their own making. Trelane tells Kirk at one point, "It's my game, and my rules," something a young child might say while wanting to keep creative control over playtime. Even Kirk notes that Trelane's thought process is immature, and when the squire's parents tell him it's time to end his game, he throws a temper tantrum worthy of a toddler running on two hours' sleep and a soggy graham cracker! Like most young children, Trelane has yet to develop communication skills.

Was the Squire of Gothos a Q? He and the species Picard meet in the future certainly form a connection that's hard to deny. Visit our Facebook Page and chime in on this discussion. Tallyho!