Zoe Saldana wants to see the next step in the Spock/Uhura relationship

Star Trek 2009 saw Uhura [Zoe Saldana] and Spock [Zachary Quinto] in a romantic relationship. While some fans didn't like the pairing, others liked that the chemistry first shown in Star Trek: The Original Series between Leonard Nimoy and Nichelle Nichols was at last given an outlet. Of course, Saldana and Quinto didn't have the same type of connection as their predecessors, but they seemed to make the relationship work...until it didn't.

Now, Saldana wants to know what will happen with her character and Quinto's if Star Trek 4 does get made. As she told Variety [via Trekmovie], "it just makes sense to see what is the next step in their relationship." Though the two parted ways with Uhura attempting to return the amulet Spock had given her, there is still plenty by way of storyline for the future of this couple. Saldana also wants to know how the couple will work together in the future.

Right now, Star Trek 4 is still essentially up in the air, but should it actually make it to the big screen for its final bow, will we see a reunited Spock/Uhura? This movie series is set in a different timeline so it wouldn't affect the future of the Uhura [Celia Rose Gooding] and Spock [Ethan Peck] on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. And, quite frankly, maybe it's time one Star Trek couple got a happily ever after on the big screen.

Though it won't be considered canon in the Prime Timeline, a loving partnership depicted between Spock and Uhura in a different timeline would fulfill the desires of those fans who have wanted the couple to be together since watching The Original Series. And really, what harm could it do since it won't affect our current Uhura and Spock? If it's something the fans want, there's no reason it shouldn't be given to them, especially since this is supposed to be the last movie in the series.