Comparing The New Star Trek Teaser To The DS9 Promos

We compared the new Star Trek teaser trailer to the original Star Trek: Deep Space Nine promos.

ICYMI: Facebook’s trending section is describing the new CBS Star Trek series as a reboot, however the show isn’t a reboot.

Some fans are complaining about the new Star Trek teaser trailer because they feel like it doesn’t show them enough. We disagree and think the new teaser is fantastic; and since we are still several months out from the show beginning to film it shows as much as can be expected.

Let’s compare the new teaser trailer to the original Star Trek: Deep Space Nine promos though to see how it stacks up.

First here’s CBS’ new

Star Trek

teaser trailer:

And here’s a collection of

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Wow, look at the new trailer compared to the original Star Trek: Deep Space Nine promo! All the original DS9 promo showed was a bunch of nebulous space, and then a logo that they clearly didn’t go with for the series.  The DS9 promos slowly evolve over the months until they finally look like something from the series.

Sure the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine promos are from 1993, but there’s still probably something we can learn from this. We shouldn’t get too worried if something from the early teaser trailer upsets us, or if you think the teaser trailer isn’t showing us enough. It’s very early on, if the trailers for the new Star Trek series evolve like the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine trailers did there’s no telling where we may end up by the time the show premieres.

Next: Star Trek's Best Moms

In the end people on the internet want instant gratification and love to complain, so some fans are going to be negative no matter what. We however plan on enjoying every minute of having a new Star Trek series!

What do yo think about the new CBS Star Trek teaser trailer? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.