Nathan Fillion has not be cast as the captain in CBS’ upcoming Star Trek series… yet, but he is the center of a grass roots fan campaign to get him in the captains chair.
ICYMI: CBS has released a teaser trailer for their new Star Trek series!
The number of emails, Facebook messages, and questions we’ve gotten over the last few days about Nathan Fillion being the captain for CBS’ new Star Trek series is astounding. The former star and captain of Firefly and Serenity is clearly a fan favorite for the job, but he hasn’t been given the role just yet.
We’ve mined the internet and our CBS contacts and we can’t get confirmation on the voracious Fillion rumors. We did find out that the root of the rumors is probably a post from a blog called the Scifi Obsession Blog titled “Rumor Mill: Nathan Fillion New Star Trek Captain?” That title makes you think that Fillion is rumored to have already gotten the job, but the contents of the short article tell a very different tale.
The blog post is mostly just making a plea to CBS that Fillion would be great as the next Star Trek captain; the post even ends by giving an address for fans to write to CBS and campaign for Fillion to become the captain.
We love the passion of the fans, and Fillion is fantastic, but you have to be careful when you make a claim like that. The only evidence the blog gives are that Fillion’s show Castle has been cancelled and that he has lost a lot of weight recently.
So it’s probably wise not to pin all your hopes on Fillion as the new Star Trek captain just yet, but we have to agree that he’d be a fantastic choice.
In the meantime check out our article on actors we’d love to see take the captains chair.
Next: 50 Actors We'd Like To See As Captain Of The New Star Trek Series
What do you think? Do you want to see Fillion in the captain’s chair? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.