50 Years of Star Trek coming on DVD and Digital HD

The History Channel special “50 Years of Star Trek” is coming to DVD and Digital HD on November 1st.

If you missed The History Channel’s “50 Years of Star Trek” special there’s good news coming your way, because it will be released on DVD and Digital HD on November 1st. This is of course also good news for huge Trekkies like myself who might still have the special taking up precious room on their DVR.

The special is a lot of fun and contains some really fantastic Star Trek interviews and behind the scenes moments, including the final interview with Leonard Nimoy. It wasn’t the best thing we saw for Star Trek’s 50th, but it is certainly worth a watch and a worthy addition to any Trekkies Star Trek library.

What the special doesn’t have is interviews with William Shatner or Patrick Stewart. It seems hard to believe that a Star Trek special was made without talking to them, but here we are. It doesn’t mean the other interviews aren’t fantastic, but it does feel like something is missing without these two captains in the mix.

The special will retail for around fifteen dollars and has a runtime of eighty five minutes. We don’t know where the special will be available for sale yet, but StarTrek.com and Amazon.com are both probably safe bets.

So far there’s no word on the special being released on Blu-ray, so we don’t know if that’s happening or not. It seems strange to release something on DVD and not Blu-ray these days though. You might be better off going with the HD digital download in this case.

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So what do you think? Are you going to pick up “50 Years of Star Trek”? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.