Will Ferrell sings the Star Trek theme during commencement speech

Will Ferrell gave the commencement speech at the University of Southern California and managed to work in a haunting rendition of the Star Trek theme.

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USC honored alum Will Ferrell this weekend with an honorary doctorate. Ferrell graduated form the University of Southern California with a degree in sports information in 1990. Of course Ferrell was asked to speak at the commencement and his speech was really quite wonderful.

One of the lighter moments of the speech was when he spoke about his experiences as a young comedian trying stand up comedy. Ferrell explained that most of his jokes were based on Star Trek episodes and that his opening bit was singing the Star Trek: The Original Series theme. Will Ferrell’s haunting rendition of the TOS theme starts at around the fifteen minute mark. You really should watch the whole speech though, it’s quite wonderful.

It’s really fun seeing celebrities talk about, and celebrate, their Star Trek fandom. It’s amazing how many Hollywood stars like Will Ferrell, Mila Kunis, Daniel Craig, and even Rihanna are Trekkies. If you want to find more secret celebrity Trekkies check out our master list of these hidden famous Star Trek fans. 

I hope the producers of Star Trek: Discovery are seeing this, a Will Ferrell played alien would be a lot of fun.

Next: Play The Star Trek: First Contact Game

What did you think of Will Ferrell’s haunting rendition of the Star Trek: The Original Series theme? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.