New Contributor Ready To Engage With Everyone

"I just wanted to take some time and introduce myself. My name is Adam Sokol and will be one of your new contributors and site co-expert."

I’m a comedian originally from Michigan who lives in New York now and I’m really excited to be writing for Red Shirts Always Die because really Star Trek is the only thing that I’ve been consistently into since I was a little kid. I started watching TNG when I was 12 and was instantly hooked on all things Star Trek. Neither of my parents was into Star Trek, but my 6th-grade teacher made an offhand joke about how redshirts are always doomed, which I didn’t get. I decided to watch an episode to see why a bunch of people in my class laughed. The first episode I saw was The Game. No redshirts die in that one, but I was instantly hooked. I thought it was amazing. In retrospect, that’s not an amazing episode but it didn’t matter.

Once I started watching I couldn’t stop. Recording the episodes that played at 11:00 every night I’d then rewatch them the next day on a loop until that night’s episode aired. I read the novels. I collected the toys. And at one point, I even kept a Star Trek scrapbook. I don’t still do that, but Star Trek continues to take up a lot of my time.

Next: To Ridge A Klingon Or Not?

I can still remember my excitement at seeing Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas before it closed. I spent all day alternating between the museum, the Borg Invasion 4-D, the Klingon Encounter, and pestering the actors dressed up as Ferengi and Borg for “just one more picture.” At the end of the day, I retired to Quark’s Bar for a Romulan Ale, which didn’t look enough like Quark’s but was still awesome.

More from Star Trek

Up until last year, I was a bit of an anomaly in that the only series I haven’t seen all the way through was TOS. Which I decided to rectify. So I’ve been watching that series and writing about how I feel about it as a long time Trek fan who hadn’t yet seen the one that started it all. I look forward to watching a lot more Star Trek, writing about it, and talking with you all about all the things that make Star Trek great.