Star Trek Discovery S2E3 Point of Light – Spoiler Free Review and Full Recap

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Another strong episode of Star Trek Discovery’s strong second season has just finished airing and once again we have a spoiler free review and a full recap.

Last week we saw a great standalone episode that pushed the crew into a moral dilemma involving the prime directive and how it applies in special situations and working through a scientific problem that required an out of the box solution. While the episode was standalone for the most part it also helped to further the overall season plot involving the mysterious Red Signals and further the mythos behind the equally mysterious and obviously related Red Angel.

As the season goes into it’s third episode many fans are breathing a sigh of relief over the new direction of the series in the second season, gone is the war of the first and we’re two episodes into a far more classic looking Star Trek season at this point, will it continue into the third episode?

Is this Spoiler Free?

In previous episodes we’ve provided both a spoiler free review and a full recap, this week we’ve decided to adjust course and merge both into one article. Above the fold is the spoiler free section (you’re in this part now) and when you click on the Full Recap link below the review you’ll get a blow by blow telling of the story with a bit more in-depth review mixed in.

Let us know what you think of this new approach in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter.

Spoiler Free Review

We have another solid entry in the season, while it drops the main through line of the season, the mysterious Red Signals and give s us more of a standalone feeling episode it contains some deep ties to all that has come before.

This week’s episode focuses largely on the Klingon’s and we can see the work being done to course correct their appearance, culture and history with the Canon we know and love.

While lacking a bit of the new and improved Star Trek feel that we’ve come to know with the two previous, more jovial episodes make no mistake this is another step forward for the season and the series. We have strong character development, something which several of the Star Trek series have lacked for some characters even across a seven season run.

This episode may not be the shining example to put to the detractors of the series as why they need to give it a second chance, as the previous two have been, but it is certainly a great entry.