New images and trailer for Star Trek: Discovery S2E11 “Perpetual Infinity”

CBS has released a truckload of new images for “Perpetual Infinity” the upcoming eleventh episode of Star Trek: Discovery Season 2.

Spoilers for Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 follow! Consider yourself warned!

If you are a fan of Star Trek: Discovery, you can be forgiven if you feel a bit wrung out after the last few weeks.

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Unlike last year when there was a midseason break during Season 1, the second season has had no such reprieve. And while the constant flow of new episodes has been a real treat, it leaves fans with minimal time to try and deal with what they have seen.

Just over the last few weeks, fans have watched as Discovery has taken them back to Talos IV and watched Captain Pike and Vina get reacquainted. Then we all watched as Commander Airiam was forced to try and kill her crew mates and ended up paying the ultimate price to save them. That was followed by the huge revelation about who the Red Angel is and how that will affect Michael Burnham and the crew going forward.

It has felt like one giant emotional gut punch after another.

And unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon. With four more episodes left in the season and lots more story to tell, I have a feeling Discovery isn’t even close to done with us yet.

“Perpetual Infinity” is the title of the eleventh episode of the season and after the events of last week’s “The Red Angel” it promises to be a jam-packed hour of Star Trek.

CBS has released 16 new images for “Perpetual Infinity” which include Burnham reuniting with her mother, aka the Red Angel, as well as lots of images of former Emperor Georgiou seemingly up to something sneaky.

“Perpetual Infinity” synopsis:

"Burnham receives the reunion she’s been longing for, but it doesn’t go quite as she imagined. Georgiou and Tyler sense a disturbing change in Leland."

In addition, the teaser for the episode has been made available on Star and has also found its way onto YouTube.

With the identity of the Red Angel revealed, you would think Discovery would slow down just a bit and catch its breath before the season finale. Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 continues Thursday on CBS All Access in the United States and on Space in Canada. “Perpetual Infinity” will premiere on Friday morning on Netflix everywhere else.