As SyFy tries to find their next big gem of a new era of shows, the long-running science-fiction network gives fans hope with Resident Alien.
SyFy took advantage of New York Comic Con (NYCC) this week and released the first seven minutes of their upcoming series Resident Alien, starring Alan Tudyk. In the series, an alien crash lands on Earth and takes the identity of a doctor as he learns the ways of the people of the planet. On top of that, the alien has to do all he can to recover his ship and the secrets that it hides.
Tudyk plays both the alien and the doctor and after watching the clip below, that statement will make more sense.
The rest of the cast will be rounded out by Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund, and Levi Fiehler. Kaylayla Raine, Mandell Maughan, and Judah Prehn are also listed on the IMDB page as appearing in quite a number of episodes as well. The show has Chris Sheridan as executive producer and showrunner.
The series was supposed to nearing the end of its first season already but filming got halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic and instead the series will launch in 2021.
The series is based on the comic book of the same name created by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse for Dark Horse Comics in October of 2011. The series had five, four-issue-mini series that ran up until 2018, with a sixth being worked on at the moment. Despite some confusion regarding the mini-series numbering, the series, story, and artwork are generally regarded as quality stuff, especially from a mid-tier publisher like Dark Horse.
As SyFy tries to refocus on what their content is going to be with several shows ending and others ending up being a failure, a series like Resident Alien appeals two-fold as it’s a comic book adaptation (something still in high demand) and it’s a science fiction story. Something SyFy has had a hard time bringing to their network with much success.