Kathryn Janeway
These are all going to seem obvious because of course, they are. These are all excellent leaders and would be ideal people for many if not everyone to want to follow. So when we look at Kathryn Janeway, yeah, she’d be wonderful as a President.
Her qualifications are pretty clear. She’s established trade agreements with many first-contact races, as well as navigated some testy situations with regards to claims on regions. So land disputes and confrontations over such aren’t new to her. She’s also really good at dealing with the first contact with new races. That should be obvious on its own outside of the prior sentence.
Beyond that, she’s able to deal with extremism and terrorism on a whole new level. Her handling of the Maquis was rather brilliant, integrating them onto the ship and making Voyager’s cause, their cause. Granted, unless you get thrown into a new quadrant, it seems unlikely that idea would work very often but still; finding common ground and moving forward is a very wise manner.
She’s also shown the ability to make the hard choices (Tuvix) and can work in spite of overwhelming personal trauma (the loss of her relationship with Mark Johnson). She’s shown a deep ability to make things happen. That’s the basis of a leader.