Star Trek Christmas: Captain Picard sings “Make it So”

Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard on the set of Star Trek
Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard on the set of Star Trek /

With it being Christmas, we thought it’d be a good time to bring you some Star Trek cheer with some festive posts, like Captain Picard singing “Make it So!”

In the spirit of the holiday, we thought we’d tap into some classic Star Trek moments to help you enjoy your day just a little bit more. Whether you have a full house or celebrating remotely, this season can be hard no matter what year it is. Considering how hard 2020 was for most, if not all of us, we wanted to brighten your day with a few good Christmas-themed posts.

You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to enjoy this stuff though, it’s good old fashion fun. Like this video, of Captain Jean-Luc Picard “singing” “Make it So” to the tune of “Let it Snow”, a wonderful winter song that’s lasted the ages.

In the video, Picard, as played by Patrick Stewart, has audio clips from various episodes of Star Tre: The Next Generation taken and mashed up into a wonderful spoken-word tune. It’s a wonderful achievement from a Star Trek fan who really put in some time and effort to see this idea come to fruition.

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Since Christmas is about giving, we wanted to give you a chance to relieve a wonderful piece of fan-made art, or if you’re new to this, give you the opportunity to see something you haven’t seen before. Plus there’s even a wonderful gag in the song, taken from a moment in the show that has taken on a life of its own.

The video is now seven years old and was made by YouTuber James Covenant, who’s done other holiday-themed videos starring other characters from various properties. It still stands the test of time and it’s a wonderful way of starting off the holiday just right.

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