Janeway’s death and a Borg-fused ruse.
Another idea that was presented at some point during the conclusion of the series would’ve been to have Kathryn Janeway killed off, sacrificing herself to kill the Borg queen and getting Voyager outfitted with Brog-tech to help get them home safer and faster. The Doctor would use Janeway and the ship to release a counter-agent that would’ve killed the Borg, and the ship would’ve returned home, sans one captain. The idea of killing off Janeway was actually Mulgrew’s because she wanted her character to “go down with the ship” as it were, telling Star Trek Magazine about it. (Issue 169).
This idea eventually became the finale, which saw the show end nearly similar to the original pitch of Janeway sacrificing herself to get her crew home, only instead of for a future version of Janeway to do just that.
This idea would’ve been interesting but coming off the finale of Deep Space Nine two years prior. In that finale, Benjamin Sisko the captain of space station Deep Space Nine and its sister-vessel the Defiant, would sacrifice himself in his battle with a Gul from the Cardassian Empire by the name of Dukat.
The proposed ending for Voyager would’ve had Janeway and Sisko end their journey’s the exact same way and that seemed like the last thing anyone would want.