The next Hero Collector books tells all on The Borg and ships in the Delta Quadrant
As much as we know about Star Trek, its ships, and its villains, there’s always more to be learned. And thanks to Hero Collector, a division of Eaglemoss, our need for information can be fulfilled in its most recent Star Trek Shipyards publication, The Borg and Delta Quadrant—AKRITIRIAN TO KRENIM. Called The Encyclopedia of Star Trek Ships, the 232-page book is filled with factual tidbits (called Data Feeds) as well as full-color illustrations and images. And its a cornucopia of “did you know” type of information.

For example, did you know that a Borg cube can remain functional even if 78% of it has been rendered inoperable? How about that the transwarp coils inside a Borg ship are designed to fail beyond repair if a Borg ship is critically injured? That’s to ensure that no other species could obtain information on the Borg.

Get more information on the Borg and other ships in the Delta Quadrant
Dave Milburn of calls this book (and others)”detailed, amazing illustrated and created by people who have an obvious love of the franchise.” He added that “these books have become nothing short of go-to guides for all fans.” And they include enough detail to make you a more in-the-know Star Trek fan.

"The vessels include warships, fighters, transports, hospital ships, patrol ships, racing ships, and shuttles. Each ship is illustrated with CG artwork, including original VFX models made for the TV show, and is presented with its technical data and operational history. A size chart showing Borg ships to scale is included, and an appendix of listings for each ship’s debut appearance, and of other appearances throughout the Star Trek series."