Star Trek Explorer will debut with exclusive Q stories

Star Trek: Explorer. Image courtesy Titan Comics
Star Trek: Explorer. Image courtesy Titan Comics /

Star Trek Explorer Magazine will include fiction

The first issue of Star Trek Explorer magazine will hit news stands on November 2, 2021, and while the magazine will contain a plethora of behind-the-scenes information, interviews, features, and more for Star Trek fans, there’s also something a little extra inside—short fiction stories. Every issue will include two all new, exclusive short stories, and subscribers will get a bonus with the digital supplement—two additional short stories. And a special character will show up to launch the magazine.

In the debut edition, some of the finest writers of science fiction come together to bring you four pieces of short fiction that will be themed around Admiral Jean-Luc Picard’s thorn in the side, Q. Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine writer, Lisa Klink, BAFTA-nominated scriptwriter and New York Times bestselling author James Swallow, Una Mccormak, a New York Times bestselling science fiction author who most recently penned The Autobiography of Mr. Spock, and Chris Cooper, the writer of Doctor Who and Torchwood for official magazines and Big Finish audio dramas, will all draw from their wealth of talent to craft tales from the Continuum.

 Star Trek Explorer magazines can be purchased individually or by subscription

Star Trek Explorer magazines will retail for $9.99 each, or subscribers can get the quarterly magazine for only $29.99. Not only does the subscription include two additional pieces of short fiction, it includes a 16-page themed supplement with each issue as reported by Comic Book. So that’s more material and essentially one magazine for free for a year’s subscription.

With the release issue including stories revolving around Q, it’s possible other issues will focus on iconic characters that have had an impact on the franchise without being main characters! So there’s a chance you could get more of your favorites in a story! You can subscribe now at

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