#2: Star Trek: The Original Series
Choosing between this theme and the theme in the #1 spot, was kind of like choosing between my two children, for I love them both equally.
This is the theme that started it all. From the opening notes of the theme and Shatner’s legendary voice-over, to when the song finally reaches its crescendo as Deforest Kelley’s name appears on the screen and the opera singers in seasons 2-3, it perfectly encapsulates the mood and the feeling of the original series and indeed the franchise itself.
This is the ring tone on my cell phone, and even as I type these words, I am torn having it in the #2 spot and I’m sure some of you have stopped reading because of that, but hear me out for the #1 spot, for by this point, you have already surmised what it shall be.
#1: Star Trek: The Next Generation
The best franchises have a theme song that is completely and utterly captivating, a theme that announces that franchise with authority and lets the viewer know that they are in for another exciting adventure. A theme that those who aren’t even fans of the series, as well as fans young and old, will recognize immediately.
James Bond has his theme song and Mission Impossible has theirs, but for Star Trek, it is the theme of The Next Generation.
The song begins much like its predecessor and leads into the absolutely impeccable voice-over of Sir Patrick Stewart, and from that point on the theme promises nothing less than the best brand of adventure and science fiction that television has to offer.
This song reigned over television for 7 seasons, making sure that unless you lived under a rock, you knew what show was about to start. I will go as far as to say that not only is TNG’s theme the best of the original five Trek series, in my opinion, it very well might be the greatest theme song for a television series of all time.
Well there you are, and I hope I have not alienated too many of my fellow Trekkies with my list, but I always welcome your opinion.
What is your favorite Trek theme, and which one just didn’t quite do it for you?