Star Trek Online just released the scariest version of the Borg yet.
The Borg are among the scariest, if not the scariest of aliens in Star Trek history. They’re up there with Ridley Scott’s Xenomorph from Alien (1979) with regards to their multi-layered levels of fear. They’re both not only horrific to look at, both shrouded in black, usually in dark settings, but they also represent an encroaching feeling of extinction.
Both the Borg and the Xenomorph need humans (or other aliens) to essentially incubate or create more of their species. That’s fricking terrifying. A Klingon you can negotiate, get him drunk enough, slap him too hard, and he’s your best friend for life. A Borg? They just want to add you to their collective. Space zombies man, what are you doing to do?
Well, run like heck because Star Trek Online just made the Borg even more horrifying. The Borg were beatable because they were cyborgs. They were part machine and part flesh. They could be stopped. Yet, what if you took away all of their organs and flesh? What if you took away the part that made them empathetic?
What if you got done to the bare bones of it all? Enter Star Trek Online, who just burned the Borg into assimilated skeletons.
Reddit user Mezoteus posted a photo onto the Star Trek Online subreddit and these ghastly ghouls of nothing but bones and Borg-tech look even more horrifying than your usual Borg-drones.

That’s not all, as they come in a variety of flavors apparently, with one Star Trek Online player, Bentus, getting a screenshot of the same type of Borg but now covered in red.
Star Trek Online has just created the perfect horror icon with the skele-Borgs
The skele-Borgs appear to be part of the Halloween event for the game, which is based on the Original Series episode “Catspaw”. The synopsis from Arc Games lends more information to the event.
"It’s time for STO’s first ever Halloween Event! Like the First Contact Day event, this new three week event begins with a single activitiy, and will be expanded in the years to come. This time, Captains will find themselves transported to an ancient castle on Pyris VII. The classic aliens from the Original Series episode “Catspaw”, the Old Ones, have returned once again to study humanity – but their plans have been disrupted by the Devidians! Can you navigate the darkness and terror of two of Star Trek’s spookiest villains, and escape with your lives, or even your souls?"
This is the games’ first run with a Halloween theme and it appears to be gaining steam in the Star Trek Online community so if you’re interested in hopping in, the new gameplay is only a few days old and will be around until the end of the month.