The Twelve Days of Star Trek is a Christmas card to Star Trek fans
I’ve written before about how very talented so many fans of Star Trek are. Daily, they come up with ways to amaze me. Whether it’s a perfect portrait of one of the characters, an expertly designed cosplay uniform, or fan-made films that depict the ongoing adventures of a Trek crew, Trekkies show their dedication to this franchise in amazing ways. And that is certainly the case with the Youtuber, Ryan’s Edits.
Last year, Ryan’s Edits created a video with Star Trek personnel and others singing a unique version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. This year, he made some corrections and reloaded the video with a version that “fixed the clipping, removed a decent bit of background noise just from the show, and corrected the aspect ratio on some of the clips.”
Ryan’s Edits has more for Star Trek fans to enjoy
If you find yourself enamored with this song and appreciating all of the work that has gone into making this video a truly unique piece of work, you’ll probably enjoy some of the other videos. Those include Intakes, where bloopers are edited into the finished episodes, supercuts, and more. You can end up getting lost on this channel while trying to catch up!
But before you head on over to the channel, make sure you listen to the video in this post. With James Doohan’s Scotty appearing in Star Trek: The Next Generation with his version of “a partridge in a pear tree,” this is a treat for all Trekkies. Sit back and enjoy (and consider giving Ryan’s Edits a thumbs-up as this clearly wasn’t an easy task but was obviously done out of love)!