Star Trek: The Next Generation – Jean-Luc Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher
Like with Archer and T’pol, Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher do eventually get together, only to be unraveled by the events of Picard’s time travel. Can Enterprise captains just stop crewing up their own love life?
The Picard and Crusher story is one of constant misery. Picard was best friends with Crusher’s late-husband Jack, whose death is tied to Picard but while he wasn’t responsible for his friend Jack’s death, he bears the blame nonetheless. Picard had feelings for Beverly even when Jack was alive but after his death, they became more apparent.
Beverly kept Jean-Luc away, denying his advances but throughout the show, their bond was intense and obvious. Even to the point where they do end up getting married/ended up getting married/ in a future that no longer exists.
Which is to say it never happened.
The apparent chemistry between the two was so evident that even little ol me, who would only watch The Next Generation intermittently as a child, had no idea the history these two had and I still thought they were married. I even thought Wesley was Picard’s son.
Cut me some slack, I was four.
That’s all to say that even if you never watched the show before, had no clue about the history between the couple, and had no idea there was a prior husband, even you would believe the two were clearly meant for each other.