3 perfect episodes of Star Trek to watch to get you ready for summer

MUGLA, TURKEY - NOVEMBER 02: A drone photo shows Cayman Islands-flagged luxury yacht âLana" of Microsoft founder Bill Gates anchored offshore of Turkbuku neighborhood of Mugla, Turkey on November 02, 2021. (Photo by Ali Balli/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
MUGLA, TURKEY - NOVEMBER 02: A drone photo shows Cayman Islands-flagged luxury yacht âLana" of Microsoft founder Bill Gates anchored offshore of Turkbuku neighborhood of Mugla, Turkey on November 02, 2021. (Photo by Ali Balli/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) /

These are the best Star Trek episodes to watch to get you in the mood for summer.

Summer is here, and one of the best parts of summer growing up in the 90s was all the themed entertainment. Heck, that’s the best part of any season when you grew up in the 90s. The fall brought Halloween episodes, the winter brought Christmas episodes and the spring brought the worst episodes.

Summer also had its own share of episodes and movies. So with summer upon us again, we thought it’d be good to look at the episodes of Star Trek that best reminded us of the season.

These aren’t the best episodes in Star Trek, nor are they maybe your picks for the best “summer episodes” of Star Trek. Since the show’s in space, there really aren’t any seasons, so we’re going for more of a captured vibe as opposed to an episode happening in the summer months.

The three most summer episodes of Star Trek

The Original Series: “Shore Leave”

The original Star Trek captured the joys and horrors of going on vacation. Sometimes you get to see old friends, other times you get to live out fantasies, and sometimes you get stabbed in the chest by a night on horseback. You know, summer things.

Deep Space Nine: ‘Let He Who is Without Sin…’

When going on vacation as a couple, the summer months are usually the most active and fun times to go. Just make sure you’re not Jadzia Dax and Worf, and find yourself on a planet with a group of echo terrorists. Echo terrorists sure do know how to ruin your day at the water park.

Enterprise:  “Two Days and Two Nights”

Who among us hasn’t been robbed and tied up in the basement of a building while on shore leave on a pleasure planet? That’s my entire summer vacation story as a kid.


Enterprise: “Dawn”

I hate the summer, and this episode perfectly reflects how I feel as soon as it hits 78 degrees.

The Top 100 episodes in Star Trek franchise history according to metrics. dark. Next